Our deepest fear

‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we
are powerful beyond imagination. It is our light more than our darkness which
scares us. We ask ourselves – who are we to be brilliant, beautiful, talented,
and fabulous. But honestly, who are you to not be so?

You are a child of God, small games do not work in this world. For those
around us to feel peace, it is not example to make ourselves small. We were born
to express the glory of god that lives in us. It is not in some of us, it is in
all of us. While we allow our light to shine, we unconsciously give permission
for others to do the same. When we liberate ourselves from our own fears, simply
our presence may liberate others.’

– Marianne Williamson in Return to Love: Reflections on a Course in Miracles

Emprendimiento en la Industria de Tecnología

Gracias  a la cordial invitación del Ingeniero Nestor Porcell, Decano de la facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad EAN de Colombia tuve la oportunidad de dictar la conferencia Emprendimiento en la Industria de la Tecnología.

Esta Conferencia esta orientada a la adopción de buenas practicas de gestión por parte de los empresarios de industrias tecnologicas y en especial el software y recopila algunas enseñanzas de las experiencias adquiridas en temas como gestión de clientes, establecimientos de precios de productos y servicios, implementacion de sistemas de servicio al cliente, algunos aspectos tributarios y de recursos humanos entre otros.

Muchas de las empresas de software a nivel mundial son creadas y desarrolladas en sus etapas tempranas por Ingenieros o desarrolladores con poca conciencia de temas administrativos, financieros y de gestión que los llevan a cometer errrores recurrentes y en ocasiones muy costosos. Esta conferencia busca prevenir esos errores y resaltar la importancia de la gestión profesional de estas compañías tan particulares por el tipo de producto y por el perfil de sus creadores.


PDC 2008 in some way

PDC 2008 is coming, I can’t get in, but this time I will send something to represent me and to speak for me: One piece of software made with WPF, LINQ and LiveMesh.

That App will show in one of the conferences and with some lucky, it will be publish in CodePlex as a Reference Sample.

It has been a lot of work, day with 22 hours, but finally is ready. After NDA period I will comment about the application.

Thanks everybody at studiocom, we hope to exceed any expectation you had about this app.

Applications Architecture
WCF Serialized Class Library
Content Publisher. WCF Consuming RSS
Many Clients developed with WCF.
LiveMesh Service as main container, and also as a router between clients and Publisher.

In a couple of days i will publish more info about the development process, what problems we faced, what problems we solved and how and also how we work in distributed time zones with all the studiocom people in Atlanta, MS in Redmond, the developer (me) in Bogota, Col. and the designer (TF) in other places.

Juan Pelaez

Software Architect

Keywords: PDC2008, PDC 2008, LiveMesh, Live Services, WCF, WPF, Distributed Applications.

Technorati Tags: Juan Pelaez,3Metas,WCF,WPF,LiveMesh

Two new sites

This year (2008) I joined studiocom team delivering 2 sites for McCormick. It is really awesome when you finally see those things go-Live.

If you want to take a look:

McCormick Web Site.

McCormick Corporate Web Site.

we use SiteCore CMS 5.3, and 6.0., build on .Net Framework 3.0 and Visual Studio 2008 , but even better I meet an amazing team in the process:

Alejandro Cadavid

Alexis Ilnicki

Andres Ardila

Alpesh Dhameliya

Ashley Sprowl

Camilo Cortes

Carlos Pelaez

David McAlister

David Preiss

Dev Kumar

Devra Jones

Diego Pineda

Eddy Milfort

Emily Rickerson Bove

Henri Bui

Jackie Dane

Jairo Celis

Joe Ayotte

Juan Carlos Pelaez (ME)

Juan Fernando Santos

Julian Orjuela

Keith Oh

Kelly Burk

Kim Colter

Kris Cargile

Kristie Stoeckel

Lara Becker

Mauricio Talero

Matt Roth

Mehmet Uzer

Mike Creati

Mohammed N. Mohammed

Nancy Edge

Nicholas Mutis

The Whole OSG McCormick team

Olga Cardenas

Rajit Gulati

Renso Vargas

Richard Wells

Ruchi Agarwal

Ryan Fuquea

Sandra Merino

Ted Duncan

Tito Milla

Timothy Kohler

Virgil Olteanu

Vivian Lowe

Juan Pelaez.

Software Architect.

Keywords: SiteCore, studiocom, Juan Pelaez Resume

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